Statement Regarding Christian Faith
New City Fellowship is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America and we adhere to the doctrines presented in the Westminster Confession of Faith. Below is a short list of some of our core doctrines.
The Bible: We believe that God reveals himself to humanity through everything he has created and sustains. In addition, we believe that God makes himself more clearly and specifically known through the Christian Scriptures, which are the only inerrant and infallible Word of God. These Scriptures are made up of 66 books, from Genesis to Revelation. They are our ultimate rule for our faith and the practice of that faith in the world. Further reading from John Frame here; and from Matthew Barrett here.
The Trinity: We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existent in three Persons of one power, substance, and eternity—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is perfect in all his ways. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. He depends on nothing and is complete in himself. He is perfectly holy, good, just, and merciful. He creates, sustains, and governs by the power of his word.
Deity of Jesus: We believe in the full deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that these two natures were inseparably joined together in one person, as the Son of God. We believe in his virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, vicarious and atoning death on a cross, bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in his personal return, upon which those who reject him will suffer eternal judgment; whereas those who have received him will enjoy eternal life.
Sin: We believe that Adam was created by God from the dust of the ground and formed after God’s image and likeness, which was good, righteous, and holy; but also in a state of probation, with the choice to do good or evil. We believe in Adam’s original sin which caused all humanity to fall into a normative state of sin, with a desire to do evil. And for this, humanity is condemned, but not without hope.
Salvation: We believe that salvation is possible by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ, as God’s means of salvation. We believe that God freely justifies people by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting them as righteous, for the sake of Jesus Christ alone, and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in those who have been saved by faith and are enabled to live a godly life. We believe that good works are only those which arise from true faith, conform to God’s Word, and are done for His glory and that faith without works is dead.
Statement Regarding Christian Ethics
This is not an exhaustive statement, but an attempt to address a handful of issues with which our culture, and thus the church as a sub-culture, is particularly concerned today.
Race/Ethnicity: We believe the modern church ought to pursue ministry cross-culturally according to its context. Scripture teaches that some of the most explosive growth of the church occurred as the Gospel spread across ethnic and social boundaries. Scripture also teaches that some of the most poignant moments of Gospel transformation occur in and through individuals cross-culturally. We also believe that dominant cultures must seek to humble themselves and seek the welfare of their brothers and sisters in less dominant cultural positions to the best of their ability. Further reading from Randy Nabors here.
Socio-economics: We believe the modern church ought to always and with all its might pursue ministry to the many needs of the materially poor. In addition, the church should strive to engage those experiencing poverty in joyful worship of the Lord and the sharing of their gifts and talents in the church and the larger community. Further reading from CCDA here; and from John Starke here.
Gender: We believe that God creates each person to reflect His image as male or female, and that human physiology generally reflects this truth. The church, composed of believing men and women, has received commands and practices which support this. We reject the concept of gender as fluid and/or self-determined as promoted by our culture; but we also seek to love and serve those who struggle with or experience gender confusion with Christian charity, friendship, and teaching. Further reading from Andrew Walker here.
Sexuality: We believe that God defined marriage as the life-long covenant between one man and one woman, and that sexual activity outside of marriage is harmful to all involved, and a sin against God. We reject the dominant western worldview that marriage can be anything other than a covenant between a man and a woman. We also reject, in all of its forms, the casual sexuality and experimentation that our culture promotes.
Sanctity of Life: We believe that scripture commands us to honor and promote human life. This command is wide-ranging and encompasses issues such as abortion, euthanasia, our stewardship of the environment, our perspective on war and our involvement in it, and even our use of hateful words. Christians are called to faithfully engage these matters with the guidance of scripture and the Holy Spirit.
The Freedom of the Conscience: We believe that every Christian believer has a God-ordained conscience that guides him or her in living according to God’s word. Therefore, our beliefs as a body are held with charity as individuals weigh how to express them in their lives. Many of the above positions may have political and public consequences depending on the individual’s expression of them. As a church we do not promote any political party, movement, or affiliation, so as not to bind the conscience of individuals toward any man-made institution, and to avoid confusing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with any human philosophy or tradition. Further reading from Tim Keller here.