We’d love for you to join us in person or you can

Thanks for your interest in New City Fellowship Beechwood. Whether you live in Beechwood or you are part of serving our neighborhood in some way, we are glad you've taken the time to find out about us. Our church is committed to being a blessing to our neighbors in whatever way we can, but all of our work is built on the foundation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, spelled out for us in great detail in the Bible. We hope you'll consider joining us on this journey of applying both the joy of the Gospel and the commands of God among our neighbors here.


Our Sunday service is at 11:00 AM. We currently are meeting for in-person worship at 145 Parsells Ave in Rochester, NY.

At the core of our Christian community is public worship. That means we highly value the gathering of the people of God on Sunday. But we also value the openness of the worship gathering so that those who are unfamiliar with it feel welcome. So we emphasize music, preaching, and prayers that connect with our neighborhood culturally.